Hello All,
I have an exciting update on where my team and I will be traveling this upcoming fall semester. Originally we were supposed to be traveling throughout Italy. My heart was set on Italy because during the summer I was reading through the book of Acts which grew my heart with passion of Paul’s ministry along with the city of Rome. As I was spending time in Acts, I was encouraged by Paul’s footsteps. I wanted to follow after his example ministering from city to city even if that meant life would get hard. Paul trusted the Lord with everything within him and always gave God the glory. You may be wondering what new location my team and I will be traveling to since I am still talking about Rome!? The new location my team and I will be traveling to is Spain where we will be hiking the Camino De Santiago!
My team and I plan to hike the Camino De Santiago for the first two weeks of our three month journey together! While hiking the Camino we will be focusing on prayer life, hearing the voice of the Lord, growing our leadership skills as a whole, while also completing credits for school. Paul is still an inspiration to me for this journey that the Lord has placed out for my life. Paul was always willing to listen to the voice of the Lord and go where He leads next. The Lord has led my team and I to this journey in Spain, and we are waiting with longing hearts to go where the Lord guides us next. Our daily schedule will look similar to waking up around 5:30 am, having group prayer, beginning our hike for the day, coffee around 8:00 am for group review and prayer, hike some more, have lunch in fellowship, and complete the evening with school!!
Currently, I am in Gainesville Georgia attending World Race training camp! My team and I have had a busy schedule preparing for the learning we will begin to do, but most importantly preparing our hearts before the Lord as we worship Him and have many insightful sessions learning more of His word. We are praying hard, and we are growing together in fellowship! During my past week here the Lord has highlighted Romans 10:14-15. In this passage Paul writes, “How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching? And how are they to preach unless they are sent? As it is written, how beautiful are the feet of those who preach the gospel.” I am beyond excited to begin my college education serving the Lord, his people, and expanding my ability to learn!